How to arrive at Jätkänkämppä

Jätkänkämppä is easy to reach
Jätkänkämppä is 600 metres from the Rauhalahti bus stop (in the yard of Spa Hotel Rauhalahti). Jätkänkämppä is in the end of the peninsula, behind the spa hotel. The road to Jätkänkämppä leaves from the right corner of the hotel building.
Please, leave the cars to the hotel's parking place! In the yard of Jätkänkämppä there are only few parking places for special use and we ask you to leave you car to the hotel's parking place. The road to Jätkänkämppä is only 600 metres and it is illuminated.
Local bus
You can reach Spa Hotel Rauhalahti and Jätkänkämppä by local bus from the market place (in the city centre of Kuopio). The bus stop for the bus number 7 is near the market place, the name of the street is Tulliportinkatu and the name of the bus stop is Tullinkulma. Check the timetables above. The bus ticket costs 3,80 € / adult and 1,80 € /child 7 - 16 yrs old. You can buy a single ticket or a day ticket with cash or with your mobile phone. Also Waltti travel card is easy to use and the most inexpensive way to travel. Dear more here VILKKU-Kuopio Region public transport.
Here you find the timetables: Kuopio - Rauhalahti - Kuopio